When the boundless light box meets mirror stainless steel-坚成广告制品有限公司
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When the boundless light box meets mirror stainless steel

addtimes:2018-02-08 click:2121 author:gimsun



This is a light box production project in Xinhaotiandi, Macau - mirror steel boundless light box! Not only boundless light box! Multiple 1.5m * 2.4m large light boxes, all with mirror steel package edge! High-end, fashion, personality creative!



We surveyed from the field, testing the installation of wall-load-bearing capacity, program design, model customization, picture spot color printing to large cargo installation, one-stop realization of customer's creative requirements!



Mirror steel edgeless light box is our company in the traditional borderless light box on the basis of high-end customer demand to adapt to the latest research and development of a boundless light box. Highlight the extraordinary in the ordinary, shows insight in the subtle!
