How many years can the UV flatbed printer be used?-坚成广告制品有限公司
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How many years can the UV flatbed printer be used?

addtimes:2018-11-30 click:1426 author:gimsun

The life of UV flatbed printers usually depends on the overall design and construction of the machine, plus the quality of the relevant configuration, industrial model equipment, imported accessories, and strong manufacturers. The uv printer will last longer. Generally speaking, the overall warranty of a uv printer is one year. When there is definitely a failure during use, if the component is not repaired, the replacement component can be solved, so the life can only be for a single component, not for the whole machine!

There are two types of uv flatbed printers, one is the age of the whole machine, and the other is the age of the nozzle.


1. The service life of the whole machine is between 8-15 years;

2. The service life of the nozzle is between 6 months and 3 years, mainly depending on the type of nozzle, the life of the civilian series is short, and the life of the industrial series is long.


There are also uv tablets in the process of use, pay attention to maintenance and maintenance, in order to make uv printers last longer. Therefore, the primary problem of selecting a uv printer should be considered from the stability of the printer, the choice of the nozzle, the maintenance cost at the later stage (the price of the replacement nozzle), and after-sales service.