GIMSUN Monthly Magazine No. 8-坚成广告制品有限公司
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GIMSUN Monthly Magazine No. 8

addtimes:2020-03-26 click:1269 author:gimsun

In daily life, we encounter a variety of cloth use, decorative, home use, advertising ... Looking at simple fabrics, using the characteristics of different fabrics for processing and creativity, often it is used in Each link plays a different role or is even an important member. Today, let's feel the charm of cloth art.

There are many ways to add pictures to the fabric, and UV printing is one of them. UV printed picture patterns are realistic, rich in layers, high in artistry, and strong in three-dimensionality. They can better meet the needs of individualization, and can vividly display different screen contents on a variety of different materials.

For the advertising industry, the usage rate of inkjet cloth is among the best. Among them are outer lighting cloth, inner lighting cloth, knife scraping cloth, sandwich cloth, and some other such as canvas, grid, gauze, etc. There are many forms.

For the advertising industry, the usage rate of inkjet cloth is among the best. Among them are outer lighting cloth, inner lighting cloth, knife scraping cloth, sandwich cloth, and some other such as canvas, grid, gauze, etc. There are many forms.