C-star 2019 | Fair officially opened! - One-Stop Creative Realization Factory|Window Display - Store Decoration - Gold and Silver Printing - Lenticular Printing - Advertising Installation - Gimsun Limited

Project Dynamics

C-star 2019 | Fair officially opened!

addtimes:2019-04-26 click:1463 author:gimsun

As the world's first retail exhibition EuroShop in China, C-star Shanghai International Retail Design and Equipment Exhibition has successfully held four sessions since its launch in 2015. At the same time, this year is the third time that Gimsun participated in the exhibition. From today on, we will meet you at N5 Hall-N5B57, and have a wonderful three-day meeting!

In these three days, we will take you to experience our carefully prepared one-stop creative implementation scheme, including dazzling retail image light box, lighting application scheme, three-dimensional and changeable grating scheme, unique window display scheme and three-dimensional printing display scheme, etc.

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