What are the maintenance requirements for uv flatbed printers?-坚成广告制品有限公司
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What are the maintenance requirements for uv flatbed printers?

addtimes:2018-11-05 click:1440 author:gimsun

When the indoor temperature is too high, how to maintain the uv printer, how to maintain it will not damage the normal use of the uv printer, then we will understand a bit.

1. Temperature Control

The temperature is too high, which will cause some domestic uv flatbed printers to fly or pull hair. It is recommended to control the indoor temperature. The uv flatbed printer should be placed in a cool, backlit corner to avoid high temperature and direct sunlight. The suitable indoor temperature is 19 °C ~ 32 °C, and the humidity is 25% ~ 70%. If the working environment of the uv printer is too hot, please install cooling equipment in the workshop.

2, print test

Due to the high temperature weather, the ink evaporates quickly. The uv flatbed printer starts to print a square of material every day to check whether the printing effect is normal, so as to avoid the nozzle clogging and damage the nozzle.

3. Power off and

When the uv flatbed printer does not work for a long time, you can choose to power off and moisturize, do not let the machine in standby, so the temperature will rise.

4, clean in time

It is especially important to clean the interior and exterior hygiene of the uv flatbed printer on a weekly basis, especially at key locations such as the nose and guide rails. The position of the flat wire must be checked every day when it is turned on, and it is timely confirmed whether the surface is clean and the link is tight and not loose.


uv flatbed printer is a high-precision printing device. In the course of its work, it must pay attention to the maintenance of the equipment, so that the equipment can work more stably.