What are the causes of damage to the uv flatbed printer?-坚成广告制品有限公司
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What are the causes of damage to the uv flatbed printer?

addtimes:2018-11-05 click:1396 author:gimsun

p>The proportion of uv flatbed printers on the market is gradually increasing. Under such demand, there are many problems with uv flatbed printers. Particularly obvious is the damage of the uv flatbed printer caused by operating the uv flatbed printer. According to the above situation, Xiaobian will talk to you.


Brute force adjustment sprinkler

Use the external force to adjust the position of the nozzle. Do not use brute force, whether it is to replace or fine-tune the nozzle. Please treat the nozzle carefully according to the specifications.

Ignore the work ground

uv flatbed printer printing is greatly affected by static electricity. Always check the connection of grounding equipment.

Switch circuits at will

Install and remove the uv flatbed printer circuit without turning off the power and turning off the main power. This behavior can damage the life of each system and endanger the nozzle.

Turn off the power while cleaning

Don't pay attention to protecting the board and other internal systems. Turn off the power while cleaning, and be careful not to let water touch the board and other internal systems.

Use inferior cleaning fluid

Use a poor quality cleaning solution to clean the nozzle. The nozzle is very easy to be contaminated and worn, so please use the manufacturer's designated products and quality inspection products to clean the nozzle.

Use inferior ink

Add any batch of ink at random, or use inferior ink or cleaning solution. The mixing of inks in two different configurations will change the color and quality of the ink. The quality of the ink will affect the printing effect and block the nozzle, which will damage the life of the nozzle.

Incorrect cleaning nozzle method

The cleaning solution can be used to soak the entire nozzle in the cleaning solution for a long time to clear the stain more effectively. However, the cleaning solution is corrosive, if the time exceeds 48 hours, It will affect the nozzle orifice itself. So if you don't understand anything, please ask a technician.

The correct use and maintenance of the uv flatbed printer not only ensures the normal high-efficiency production operation of the machine, but also prolongs the service life of the uv printer, which can be greatly reduced. Expenditure and costs. Therefore, if you encounter operational problems, you can contact the technicians and do not operate without knowing them to avoid damage.