Store Window (VIVIENNE WESTWOOD) - Window display application case display_ Window making_ Display props_ Window props - One-Stop Creative Realization Factory|Window Display - Store Decoration - Gold and Silver Printing - Lenticular Printing - Advertising Installation - Gimsun Limited

Window Display & Props



Brand Vivienne Westwood Global Local Clothing Exhibition-Hong Kong Station, you need to make a set of background boards for its shop window to create an atmosphere.Customers are required to be environmentally friendly, save space, and are convenient for disassembly.

With more than 30 years of advertising production experience, we provide a variety of application solutions for customers to choose from.Finally, the customer chose the aluminum shelf+environmental protection dual cloth material solution.Light, no space, and convenient for disassembly.The background panel uses two large -sized aluminum frames (2600x 2630mm) to combine into L shaped to assist each other. It can completely construct the window display space that customers want, and perfectly realize the customer's creativity requirements.


Application Case

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